Connecting people and innovation in healthcare
The Health Connect Summit - HCS is an event that aims to encourage interaction between health and technology actors in Brazil and which aims to create an enabling environment to foster discussions on innovation, future, trends, digital transformation, management and leadership in the area of health.
The event is held by the Polo de Saúde de Londrina and Sebrae/PR, in partnership with the government Saúde Londrina União Setorial (Salus) and the Arranjo Londrinense das Indústrias de Saúde (Alis).
About the Londrina-PR Health Center
The Health Pole of Londrina-PR is a project that stands out nationally for the involvement of several companies, industries and institutions, which promote actions in favor of the development of the health macroenvironment in Londrina and Region.
The center is now a national reference and its activities are focused on innovation, aiming for the future and the development of new products, technologies, research, innovative business models and knowledge production, both in products and in healthcare services.

Confira o vídeo da edição 2024
2021 schedule
2:00 pm to 2:10 pm
official opening
2:10 pm to 3:10 pm
Health Technology Assessment: An overview of the UK landscape
Lena Alkhudairy - Associate Professor - Technology Assessment in Health and Public Health; Deputy Director, Department of Populations, Evidence and Technology, Warwick Warwick School of Medicine/ University of Warwick, England.
3:15 pm to 4:00 pm
Lecture - Biosafety today: from high containment laboratories to society in the digital age
Tatiana Ometto - Biosafety specialist and founder of EPI Bio.
4:05 pm to 4:50 pm
Assistive Technologies through Artificial Intelligence: Towards the improvement of well-being and quality of life of human beings
Diego Resende Faria - Professor associated with Dpto. of Computer Science at the University of Aston, Birmingham, England.
4:55 pm to 5:25 pm
Lecture - Integrated Telehealth and Connected Health 5.0
Chao Lung Wen - Leader of the USP Research Group on Telemedicine, Digital Education and Connected Health.
5:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Lecture - Security aspects, quality and innovation for telehealth systems
Luís Gustavo Gasparini Kiatake - President SBIS - Brazilian Society of Health Informatics.
18:00 to 18:30
Talk Show with Telehealth Theme speakers
*Virtual Scientific Papers Exhibition available 24 hours on the platform during the two days of the event
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Thematic Panels (Parallel Rooms)
How to innovate in the Health Industry: new products, new processes and a new future for your brand/company.
The patient at the center of Innovation - Case of Dentistry for Special Patients and Innovation focused on the patient.
Pharmacy and its relevance in the patient's health journey in the pandemic and its future after COVID.
LGPD in health: a practical analysis from a legal, technological and process perspective.
Room 5 - NURSING
Innovative alternatives for nursing.
Impacts and trends: The health sector from the perspectives of Supplementary Health, Public Health and Medical Education.
Closing lecture: Life Expectancy, Innovations and the Medicine of the Future.
Pedro Schstatsky - Neurologist specialist in innovations and medicine of the future. Professor of Medicine at UFRGS, Neurologist at HC de Porto Alegre and Hospital Moinhos de Vento. Chair of the European Neurological Society Pain Committee. CEO LifeLab (Precision Medicine) and CEO at NEMO (Non-invasive Neuromodulation).
*Virtual Scientific Papers Exhibition available 24 hours on the platform during the two days of the event
Palestrantes, Painelistas e Moderadores 2024

Cristiano Hahn Englert
Fundador Connext Health
Médico anestesiologista, investidor anjo, fundador da plataforma Connext Health, professor MBA Gestão e inovação na saúde PUCRS, palestrante.

Fernanda Venturini
Ex-atleta e empresária. Eleita a melhor jogadora brasileira de vôlei do século XX. Criadora do projeto: FERNANDA VENTURINI – Esporte & Saúde, que abre um leque de possibilidades para ajudar as pessoas a conquistarem qualidade de vida e bem estar.

Antônio Nechar Junior
CEO e Diretor Médico
Telcor Telemedicina

Manoel Canesin
Co- Founder e CO
Paciente 360 - Paciente 360

João Santilli
Diretor Técnico
Laboratório Oswaldo Cruz

Matheus Brum Marques Bianchi Savi
Fundador - LabMAIS - Laboratório de Manufatura Aditiva e Inovação em Saúde

Pedro Yoshito Noritomi
Chefe da Divisão de Tecnologias para Produção e Saúde - Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer

Sonia Maria Fabris
Docente do Departamento de Fisioterapia UEL/CCS e Coordenadora do FAB.I HU/UEL.

Guilherme Hernandes Garcia Sanchez
Head de Inovação - Harena - Hospital de Amor

Ana Paula Forti Pinca
Coordenadora de Projetos de Inovação - Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein

Cristiano Russo
Head de Inovação na Hotmilk PUCPR Londrina

Ricardo Mendes Alves Pereira
- Diretor - RILAP (Criadora do Life Surgery Box), Diretor do Centro de Endometriose e Cirurgia Ginecológica do Hospital e Maternidade Santa Joana - São Paulo.

Istvan Camargo
Chief Innovation Officer do Grupo Sabin, Head do Skyhub.bio e Senior Advisor do Kortex Ventures.

Lucio Kamiji
Presidente do CAD Instituto Estação 43 - Estação 43 - Ecossistema de Inovação

Heverson Feliciano

Gilmar Machado
Consultor, Empresário e Presidente da Alis - Associação Londrinense das Indústrias e Serviços da Saúde

Luiz Soares Koury
Médico Neurocirurgião 0 Centro Neurológico de Londrina

Renan Montanucci
Montanucci CEO - 2i Produtos odontológicos e médico hospitalares

Bruno Ullrich Rondem
CEO - Preveni

Renata Candido
CEO - Isha simulador e Isha simulador de Hemodiálise

Marcos Rogério Fertonani
CEO/ Founder - BLUE RISE Health Tech

Emanuela Rainho
Assessora de Inovação - Secretaria Estadual de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro

Gerson Nakazato
Docente Associado - UEL /Centro de Ciências Biológicas/Departamento de Microbiologia

Andréa Name Colado Simão
Diretora do Centro de Ciências da Saúde (CCS) - Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Ana Paula Cantelmo Luz
Superintendente - Irmandade da Santa Casa de Londrina

Rosana Mara Ceribelli Nechar
Presidente - Associação Médica de Londrina

Vivian Biazon El Reda Feijó
Diretora Superintendente - Hospital Universitário da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (HU-UEL)

Liciana Pedroso

Leonardo Beni
Diretor Geral do Grupo Indusbello Company. Idealizador do Induslab - ecossistema de inovação do grupo Indusbello.

Helmgton José Brito de Souza
CEO Academia Simulamed / Centro Universitário EuroAmericano

Diana Câmara
Cofundadora e diretora -

Claudio Pereira de Sampaio
Professor Adjunto/Departamento de Design da UEL/Núcleo de P&D e Fabricação Digital do HU-UEL

Jacqueline Cenerini
Advogada especialista em direito médico e da saúde - Representante do Comitê executivo da aliança estratégica dos ecossistemas de inovação de londrina e Maringá

Caroline Ehlke Gonzaga -
Coordenadora Adjunta - Curso de Medicina - PUC-PR

Carlos Assuiti
Vice Presidente da ALIS e representante de Londrina da Aliança Estrágica do Setor da Saúde de Londrina e Maringá
Karen Parron
Presidente do Grupo Salus, Docente da Medicina PUCPR e Coordenadora NAP-AML

Marco Antônio Bego
Diretor Executivo do Instituto de Radiologia do HCFMUSP e Diretor Executivo do InovaHC - Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP
Previous Events
The Health Connect Summit had its first edition held in 2020, in 100% Digital format. There were 30 activities, including lectures, thematic panels, workshops, a startup show and business, innovation and opportunities roundtables. More than 1200 participants were present on the event's exclusive platform and application.
